I really don't know what the hell I'm doing yet , but I guarantee yawl this country boy will get er done.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Damm ( HOT) and sleeping GOOD.

Estrella Damm, a "damm" good Spanish...Image via Wikipedia

Well I don't know, about any where else in the world, But down here in the south, its Damm sure hot.
I guest when you finally start staying up a little longer each night you start sleeping a little later in the morning. I hate that, I have always been a early bird but you know even those worms need a break. and its starting to feel good. But I think I'm going to start getting up early again, because anything that feels that good can't be...............!!
Wish I had more to say but I better quit for now cause I can;t get that word out of my head.

1 comment:

  1. I love the early morning hours. When everyone is sleeping and the house is quiet, even my dog. It's when I think and pray and try to figure out this crazy world. Hope all is well in your poverty ranch.. I'm gonna have to think up a cool name for my hut. Peace...
